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About Me

Hmmm lets see. Well my name is Natalie for starters, I'm 27 years young and a Criminal Justice Major so you better watch what you say to me. haha =P(j/k)
I'm just your average girl trying to get through the mundane and insanity with a sense of humor.

I love to write. Finding the right word, or the right sentence, or knowing I wrote something that made someone think or feel is amazing to me, and the thrill never gets old. I have things to say. I'm passionate about a lot of things, and writing gives me a way to share what I feel and think with a lot of people. I don't presume to say that what I feel and think is anymore insightful or interesting than what anyone else might feel and think, but writing gives me a way to put my passions out there, and the hope that my being passionate might inspire others to be passionate as well.

Success is subjective and at this point in my life, I feel really good about that and where I am going to be.
Gender Female
Age 27
Location Atlanta, GA
Ethnicity Hispanic


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Registered Dec 19, 2007
Last update Sep 22, 2008


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